Alerts can be used when you need to give more information to the user based on their action or before they take an action. Use .Alert
followed by the specific alert modifier. You can use Alert--info
, Alert--warning
, Alert--error
, or Alert--success
. If you need to show an alert on a themed background then use the Alert--ghost
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<div class="Alert Alert--info">This is <a class="u-link-natural" href="#">an info alert</a>. Use it for displaying information.</div>
<div class="mt4">
<div class="Alert Alert--warning">This is <a class="u-link-natural" href="#">a warning alert</a>. Use it to warn the user of an action.</div>
<div class="mt4">
<div class="Alert Alert--danger">This is <a class="u-link-natural" href="#">an error alert</a>. Use it to indicate an error made by the user.</div>
<div class="mt4">
<div class="Alert Alert--success">This is <a class="u-link-natural" href="#">a success alert</a>. Use it to indicate a successful action taken by the user.</div>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<!-- Ghost Alert -->
<div class="bg-dark">
<div class="pa5">
<div class="Alert Alert--ghost">This is <a class="u-link-natural" href="#">an ghost alert</a>. Use it for displaying information.</div>
<!-- /Ghost Alert -->
<!-- Alert Theme Blue -->
<div class="bg-blue-bright">
<div class="pa5">
<div class="Alert Alert--ghost">This is <a class="u-link-natural" href="#">a theme alert</a>. It's actually the same as the ghost alert except the background colour is different. Use it for displaying information.</div>
<!-- /Alert Theme Blue -->
<!-- Alert Assistant -->
<div class="bg-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<div class="Alert Alert--assistant">This is <a class="u-link-natural" href="#">an assistant alert</a>. It's actually the same as the ghost alert except the background colour is different. Use it for displaying information in the assistant format.</div>
<!-- /Alert Assistant -->
Avatars display an image if the user has uploaded one but if not, initials are shown instead. The background color is chosen randomly for each user and can be set inline on .Avatar
. The image URL is set inline on .Avatar--img
. Additionally, each avatar should have a title
attribute with the user's name.
Square avatars are used for company logos. There are 4 different sizes you can use .Avatar--s
, .Avatar--m
, .Avatar--l
, .Avatar--xl
<h4 class="mt5">Basic Structure</h4>
<div class="border-grey mt4">
<div class="pa5">
<!-- Medium -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--square Avatar--m" style="background: #556BCC;" title="Tribely">
<div class="Avatar--initials">T</div>
<div class="Avatar--img Avatar--square" style="background-image: url('assets/toolkit/images/tribely.png')"></div>
<div class="mt2">
<!-- Medium -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--square Avatar--m" style="background: #556BCC;" title="Tribely">
<div class="Avatar--initials">T</div>
<div class="Avatar--img"></div>
<!-- /Square Avatar -->
<!-- Square Avatar -->
<h4 class="mt5">Avatar Sizes</h4>
<p class="mt5">Square avatars are used for company logos. There are 4 different sizes you can use <code>.Avatar--s</code>, <code>.Avatar--m</code>, <code>.Avatar--l</code>, <code>.Avatar--xl</code>.</p>
<div class="border-grey mt4">
<div class="pa4">
<!-- Extra Large -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--square Avatar--xl" style="background: #556BCC;" title="Tribely">
<div class="Avatar--initials">T</div>
<div class="mt2">
<!-- Large -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--square Avatar--l" style="background: #31708F;" title="Tribely">
<div class="Avatar--initials">T</div>
<div class="mt2">
<!-- Medium -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--square Avatar--m" style="background: #55A0CC;" title="Tribely">
<div class="Avatar--initials">T</div>
<div class="mt2">
<!-- Small -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--square Avatar--s" style="background: #55C6CC;" title="Tribely">
<div class="Avatar--initials">T</div>
<div class="mt2">
<!-- Extra Small -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--square Avatar--xs" style="background: #2D72EB;" title="Tribely">
<div class="Avatar--initials">T</div>
<!-- /Square Avatar -->
Avatars display an image if the user has uploaded one but if not, initials are shown instead. The background color is chosen randomly for each user and can be set inline on .Avatar
. The image URL is set inline on .Avatar--img
. Additionally, each avatar should have a title
attribute with the user's name.
Round avatars are used for user profiles. There are 4 different sizes you can use .Avatar--s
, .Avatar--m
, .Avatar--l
, .Avatar--xl
<!-- Round Avatar -->
<h4>Basic Structure</h4>
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<!-- Medium -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--round Avatar--m" style="background: #556BCC;" title="Harry Cresswell">
<div class="Avatar--initials">HC</div>
<div class="Avatar--img Avatar--round" style="background-image: url('assets/toolkit/images/hc.jpg')"></div>
<div class="mt2">
<!-- Medium -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--round Avatar--m" style="background: #556BCC;" title="Harry Cresswell">
<div class="Avatar--initials">HC</div>
<div class="Avatar--img"></div>
<!-- /Round Avatar -->
<!-- Round Avatar -->
<h4 class="mt5">Avatar Sizes</h4>
<p class="mt5">Round avatars are used for user profiles. There are 4 different sizes you can use <code>.Avatar--s</code>, <code>.Avatar--m</code>, <code>.Avatar--l</code>, <code>.Avatar--xl</code>.</p>
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<!-- Extra Large -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--round Avatar--xl" style="background: #556BCC;" title="Harry Cresswell">
<div class="Avatar--initials">HC</div>
<div class="mt2">
<!-- Large -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--round Avatar--l" style="background: #31708F;" title="Harry Cresswell">
<div class="Avatar--initials">HC</div>
<div class="mt2">
<!-- Medium -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--round Avatar--m" style="background: #55A0CC;" title="Harry Cresswell">
<div class="Avatar--initials">HC</div>
<div class="mt2">
<!-- Small -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--round Avatar--s" style="background: #55C6CC;" title="Harry Cresswell">
<div class="Avatar--initials">HC</div>
<div class="mt2">
<!-- Extra Small -->
<div class="Avatar Avatar--round Avatar--xs" style="background: #2D72EB;" title="Harry Cresswell">
<div class="Avatar--initials">HC</div>
<!-- /Square Avatar -->
Primary buttons are used for the main actions which we want our users to take. Use them sparingly, to draw attention to the most important actions. A primary buttons should not be used alongside another primary button. Use the Button
class followed by Button--primary
. To disable a button use .is-disabled
Define a regular primary button with either of the following size modifiers .Button--s
, .Button--m
, .Button--l
. The .with-100
modifier can be used when a button needs to span the full width of it's container.
An example of this would be in a modal.
<!-- Primary Regular Button -->
<h4>Button Sizes</h4>
<p class="mt5">Define a regular primary button with either of the following size modifiers <code>.Button--s</code>, <code>.Button--m</code>, <code>.Button--l</code>. The <code>.with-100</code> modifier can be used when a button needs to span the full width of it's container.
An example of this would be in a modal.</p>
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button--primary Button--l">Submit</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--primary Button--m">Submit</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--primary Button--s">Submit</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--primary Button--s is-disabled">Submit</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
Round primary buttons are used as an alternative to the main regular shape. They are most commonly found in modals where the user is given two options. Similarly .is-disabled
can be used to disable a button.
Round buttons should only use the .Button--l
size modifier.
<!-- Primary Round Button -->
<h4>Button Sizes</h4>
<p class="mt5">Round buttons should only use the <code>.Button--l</code> size modifier.</p>
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button--primary Button--round Button--l">Let's do it</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--round Button--l is-disabled">Let's do it</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<!-- /Primary Round Button -->
Primary buttons are used for the main actions which we want our users to take. Use them sparingly, to draw attention to the most important actions. A primary buttons should not be used alongside another primary button. If a particular pattern requires more than one button then a secondary button should be used with the primary button. .is-disabled
can be used to disable a button.
<!-- Floating Action Button -->
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button--primary Button--floating"><i class="material-icons">share</i></button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--primary Button--floating"><i class="material-icons">add</i></button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<!-- /Floating Action Button -->
Secondary buttons contrast primary buttons. Secondary buttons should be used to signify optional, infrequent or subtle actions .is-disabled
can be used to disable a button.
Define a regular secondary button with either of the following size modifiers .Button--s
, .Button--m
, .Button--l
<!-- Secondary Regular Button -->
<h4>Button Sizes</h4>
<p class="mt5">Define a regular secondary button with either of the following size modifiers <code>.Button--s</code>, <code>.Button--m</code>, <code>.Button--l</code>.</p>
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button--secondary Button--l">Submit</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--secondary Button--m">Preview Proposal</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--secondary Button--s">Clear Search</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--s is-disabled">Clear Search</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<!-- /Secondary Regular Button -->
Tertairy buttons are useful when you want to use several buttons next to each other. .is-disabled
can be used to disable a button.
Define a regular tertairy button with either of the following size modifiers .Button--s
, .Button--m
, .Button--l
<!-- Tertairy Regular Button -->
<h4>Button Sizes</h4>
<p class="mt5">Define a regular tertairy button with either of the following size modifiers <code>.Button--s</code>, <code>.Button--m</code>, <code>.Button--l</code>.</p>
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button--tertiary Button--l">Submit</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--tertiary Button--m">Preview Proposal</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--tertiary Button--s">Clear Search</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--s is-disabled">Clear Search</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<!-- /Tertairy Regular Button -->
Secondary buttons contrast primary buttons. Secondary buttons should be used to signify optional, infrequent or subtle actions .is-disabled
can be used to disable a button.
<!-- Secondary Round Button -->
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button--secondary Button--round Button--l">Not right now</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--round Button--l is-disabled">Not right now</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<!-- /Secondary Round Button -->
Icon buttons contrast primary buttons. Secondary buttons should be used to signify optional, infrequent or subtle actions .is-disabled
can be used to disable a button.
<!-- Icon Button -->
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--secondary"><i class="material-icons md-18">thumb_up</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--secondary Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">thumb_down</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--secondary Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">mail</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--secondary Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">archive</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--secondary Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">star</i></button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Icon Icon--m Button Button--secondary"><i class="material-icons md-18">more_horiz</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--m Button Button--secondary Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">star</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--m Button Button--secondary Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">mail</i></button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Icon Icon--l Button Button--secondary"><i class="material-icons md-24">star</i></button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<!-- /Icon Button -->
Icon buttons contrast primary buttons. Tertiary buttons should be used to signify optional, infrequent or subtle actions .is-disabled
can be used to disable a button.
<!-- Icon Button -->
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--tertiary"><i class="material-icons md-18">thumb_up</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--tertiary Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">thumb_down</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--tertiary Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">mail</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--tertiary Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">archive</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--tertiary Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">star</i></button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Icon Icon--m Button Button--tertiary"><i class="material-icons md-18">more_horiz</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--m Button Button--tertiary Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">star</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--m Button Button--tertiary Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">mail</i></button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Icon Icon--l Button Button--tertiary"><i class="material-icons md-24">star</i></button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<!-- /Icon Button -->
Ghost buttons are used on dark backgrounds or reversed themes. Use the Button--ghost
modifier followed by the required size modifier.
Define a regular secondary button with either of the following size modifiers .Button--s
, .Button--m
, .Button--l
<!-- Ghost Regular Button -->
<h4>Button Sizes</h4>
<p class="pt5">Define a regular secondary button with either of the following size modifiers <code>.Button--s</code>, <code>.Button--m</code>, <code>.Button--l</code>.</p>
<div class="bg-ain-bright mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button--ghost Button--l">Submit</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--ghost Button--m">Log In</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--ghost Button--s">Clear Search</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-ain-bright -->
<!-- /Ghost Regular Button -->
Ghost buttons are used on dark backgrounds or reversed themes. Use the Button--ghost
modifier followed by the required size modifier.
Define a regular secondary button with either of the following size modifiers .Button--s
, .Button--m
, .Button--l
<!-- Ghost Round Button -->
<p class="mt5">Define a regular secondary button with either of the following size modifiers <code>.Button--s</code>, <code>.Button--m</code>, <code>.Button--l</code>.</p>
<div class="bg-ain-bright mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button--ghost Button--round Button--l">Submit</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--ghost Button--round Button--m">Log In</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--ghost Button--round Button--s">Clear Search</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-ain-bright -->
<!-- /Ghost Round Button -->
Ghost buttons are used on dark backgrounds or reversed themes. Use the Button--ghost
modifier followed by the required size modifier.
Define a regular secondary button with either of the following size modifiers .Button--m
, .Button--l
<!-- Ghost Icons with text Button -->
<h4>Button Sizes</h4>
<p class="mt5">Define a regular secondary button with either of the following size modifiers <code>.Button--m</code>, <code>.Button--l</code>.</p>
<div class="bg-ain-bright mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<div class="Flex-row Flex--gutters">
<div class="Flex-column">
<button class="Button Button--ghost Button--l width-100">
<i class="material-icons md-18 pr2">thumb_up</i>
<span>Like it</span>
<div class="Flex-column">
<button class="Button Button--ghost Button--l width-100">
<i class="material-icons md-18 pr2">thumb_down</i>
<span>No Thanks</span>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--ghost Button--m">
<i class="material-icons md-18 pr2">file_download</i>
<span>Download PDF</span>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-ain-bright -->
<!-- /Ghost Icons with text Button -->
Icon buttons contrast primary buttons. Secondary buttons should be used to signify optional, infrequent or subtle actions .is-disabled
can be used to disable a button.
<!-- Ghost Icon Button -->
<div class="bg-ain-bright mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--ghost"><i class="material-icons md-18">thumb_up</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--ghost Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">thumb_down</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--ghost Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">mail</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--ghost Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">archive</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--ghost Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">star</i></button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Icon Icon--m Button Button--ghost"><i class="material-icons md-18">share</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--m Button Button--ghost Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">star</i></button>
<button class="Icon Icon--m Button Button--ghost Button--icon"><i class="material-icons md-18">mail</i></button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Icon Icon--l Button Button--ghost"><i class="material-icons md-24">star</i></button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.borderain-bright -->
<!-- /Ghost Icon Button -->
UI buttons are used for the main actions which we want our users to take. Use them sparingly, to draw attention to the most important actions. A primary buttons should not be used alongside another primary button. Use the Button
class followed by Button--primary
. To disable a button use .is-disabled
Define a regular primary button with either of the following size modifiers .Button--s
, .Button--m
, .Button--l
. The .with-100
modifier can be used when a button needs to span the full width of it's container.
An example of this would be in a modal.
<!-- UI Primary Regular Button -->
<h4>Button Sizes</h4>
<p class="mt5">Define a regular primary button with either of the following size modifiers <code>.Button--s</code>, <code>.Button--m</code>, <code>.Button--l</code>. The <code>.with-100</code> modifier can be used when a button needs to span the full width of it's container.
An example of this would be in a modal.</p>
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button--positive Button--m">Add</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--negative Button--m">Delete</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--positive Button--s">Add Booster</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--negative Button--s">Delete</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--negative Button--s is-disabled">Delete</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<!-- /UI Primary Regular Button -->
Blue theme buttons are used exclusively in components and flows which use the blue theme. A primary buttons should not be used alongside another primary button. Use the Button
class followed by Button--primary
. To disable a button use .is-disabled
Define a regular primary button with either of the following size modifiers .Button--s
, .Button--m
, .Button--l
. The .with-100
modifier can be used when a button needs to span the full width of it's container.
An example of this would be in a modal.
<!-- Theme Primary Regular Button -->
<h4>Button Sizes</h4>
<p class="mt5"> Define a regular primary button with either of the following size modifiers <code>.Button--s</code>, <code>.Button--m</code>, <code>.Button--l</code>. The <code>.with-100</code> modifier can be used when a button needs to span the full width of it's container.
An example of this would be in a modal.</p>
<div class="bg-ain-bright mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button--theme-blue Button--l">Find Projects</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--theme-blue Button--m">Publish</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--theme-blue Button--s">Submit</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--theme-blue Button--s is-disabled">Submit</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-ain-bright -->
<!-- /Theme Primary Regular Button -->
Round primary buttons are used as an alternative to the main regular shape. They are most commonly found in modals where the user is given two options. Similarly .is-disabled
can be used to disable a button.
Round buttons should only use the .Button--l
size modifier.
<!-- Theme Primary Round Button -->
<h4>Button Sizes</h4>
<p class="mt5">Round buttons should only use the <code>.Button--l</code> size modifier.</p>
<div class="bg-ain-bright mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button--theme-blue Button--round Button--l">Continue</button>
<div class="mt3">
<button class="Button Button--round Button--l is-disabled">Continue</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-ain-bright -->
<!-- /Theme Primary Round Button -->
Primary links are used when you need to put another button inline next to a primary button. An example would be when you need a cancel link next to a primary submit button on a form.
Use `Button` followed by `Button-link`, followed by one of the size modifiers below.
Define a regular primary link with either of the following size modifiers .Button--s
, .Button--m
, .Button--l
<p>Use `Button` followed by `Button-link`, followed by one of the size modifiers below.</p>
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button--primary Button--s">Submit</button>
<button class="Button Button-link Button--s">Cancel</button>
<!-- /Primary Regular Button -->
<!-- Primary Regular Button -->
<h4 class="mt5">Button Sizes</h4>
<p class="mt5">Define a regular primary link with either of the following size modifiers <code>.Button--s</code>, <code>.Button--m</code>, <code>.Button--l</code>.
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<button class="Button Button-link Button--l">Cancel</button>
<div class="pt3">
<button class="Button Button-link Button--m">Cancel</button>
<div class="pt3">
<button class="Button Button-link Button--s">Cancel</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<!-- /Primary Regular Button -->
Primary buttons are used for the main actions which we want our users to take. Use them sparingly, to draw attention to the most important actions. A primary buttons should not be used alongside another primary button. Use the Button
class followed by Button--primary
. To disable a button use .is-disabled
Define a regular primary button with either of the following size modifiers .Button--s
, .Button--m
. The .with-100
modifier can be used when a button needs to span the full width of it's container. An example of this
would be in a modal.
<!-- Group Buttons -->
<h4>Button Sizes</h4>
<p class="mt5">Define a regular primary button with either of the following size modifiers <code>.Button--s</code>, <code>.Button--m</code>. The <code>.with-100</code> modifier can be used when a button needs to span the full width of it's container. An example of this
would be in a modal.</p>
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<div class="Button-group">
<button class="Button--primary Button--s">Left</button>
<button class="Button--primary Button--s">Middle</button>
<button class="Button--primary Button--s">Right</button>
<div class="mt3">
<div class="Button-group">
<button class="Button--primary Button--m">Left</button>
<button class="Button--primary Button--m">Middle</button>
<button class="Button--primary Button--m">Right</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<!-- /Group Buttons -->
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<label class="Form-label" for="textInput">Email Address</label>
<input class="Input Input--default Input--l" type="text" placeholder="Email address" id="textInput" />
<div class="mt3">
<label class="Form-label" for="textInput">Password</label>
<input class="Input Input--default Input--m" type="password" placeholder="Password" id="textInput" />
<div class="mt3">
<label class="Form-label" for="textInput">First name</label>
<input class="Input Input--default Input--s" type="text" placeholder="First Name" id="textInput" />
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<div class="Input-group Input-group--l">
<span class="Input-group__addon">$</span>
<input class="Input Input--default Input--l" type="text" placeholder="Enter Amount" id="textInput" />
<div class="mt3">
<div class="Input-group Input-group--m">
<span class="Input-group__addon">http://</span>
<input class="Input Input--default Input--m" type="text" placeholder="Enter URL" id="textInput" />
<div class="mt3">
<div class="Input-group Input-group--m">
<span class="Input-group__addon">1</span>
<input class="Input Input--default Input--m" type="text" placeholder="Enter Highlight" id="textInput" />
<div class="mt3">
<div class="Input-group Input-group--s">
<span class="Input-group__addon">£</span>
<input class="Input Input--default Input--s" type="text" placeholder="Enter Amount" id="textInput" />
<div class="mt3">
<div class="Input-group Input-group--m">
<span class="Input-group__addon">£</span>
<input class="Input Input--default Input--m" type="text" placeholder="Enter Amount" id="textInput" />
<span class="Input-group__addon">.00</span>
<div class="mt3">
<div class="Input-group Input-group--l">
<input class="Input Input--default Input--l" type="text" placeholder="Enter Amount" id="textInput" />
<span class="Input-group__addon"></span>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<label for="textArea">Description</label>
<textarea class="Textarea Textarea--default Textarea--l" name="" placeholder="Start typing..." id="textArea"></textarea>
<div class="mt3">
<label for="textArea">Description</label>
<textarea class="Textarea Textarea--default Textarea--m" name="" placeholder="Start typing..." id="textArea"></textarea>
<div class="mt3">
<label for="textArea">Description</label>
<textarea class="Textarea Textarea--default Textarea--s" name="" placeholder="Start typing..." id="textArea"></textarea>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<div class="Select Select--default Select--l">
<option value="">Option 1</option>
<option value="">Option 2</option>
<option value="">Option 3</option>
<option value="">Option 4</option>
<option value="">Option 5</option>
<!-- /.Select -->
<div class="mt3">
<div class="Select Select--default Select--m">
<option value="">Option 1</option>
<option value="">Option 2</option>
<option value="">Option 3</option>
<option value="">Option 4</option>
<option value="">Option 5</option>
<!-- /.Select -->
<div class="mt3">
<div class="Select Select--default Select--s">
<option value="">Option 1</option>
<option value="">Option 2</option>
<option value="">Option 3</option>
<option value="">Option 4</option>
<option value="">Option 5</option>
<!-- /.Select -->
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<div class="Select-group Select-group--l">
<span class="Input-group__addon">£</span>
<div class="Select Select--default Select--l">
<option value="">Option 1</option>
<option value="">Option 2</option>
<option value="">Option 3</option>
<option value="">Option 4</option>
<option value="">Option 5</option>
<!-- /.Select -->
<!-- /.Select-group -->
<div class="mt3">
<div class="Select-group Select-group--m">
<span class="Input-group__addon">£</span>
<div class="Select Select--default Select--m">
<option value="">Option 1</option>
<option value="">Option 2</option>
<option value="">Option 3</option>
<option value="">Option 4</option>
<option value="">Option 5</option>
<!-- /.Select -->
<!-- /.Select-group -->
<div class="mt3">
<div class="Select-group Select-group--s">
<span class="Input-group__addon">£</span>
<div class="Select Select--default Select--s">
<option value="">Option 1</option>
<option value="">Option 2</option>
<option value="">Option 3</option>
<option value="">Option 4</option>
<option value="">Option 5</option>
<!-- /.Select -->
<!-- /.Select-group -->
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<div class="Search">
<span class="Search__icon--l"><i class="material-icons">search</i></span>
<input class="Search__input Input Input--default Input--l" type="search" placeholder="What are you looking for?" id="textInput" />
<div class="mt3">
<div class="Search">
<span class="Search__icon--m"><i class="material-icons">search</i></span>
<input class="Search__input Input Input--default Input--m" type="search" placeholder="What are you looking for?" id="textInput" />
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
Radio buttons are used when there is a list of two or more options that are mutually exclusive and the user must select exactly one choice. In other words, clicking a non-selected radio button will deselect whatever other button was previously selected in the list.
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<input class="material-icons" name="radio" type="radio" checked="checked">
<label for="test">Checked</label>
<input class="material-icons" name="radio" type="radio">
<label for="test">Unchecked</label>
<input class="material-icons" name="radio" type="radio">
<label for="test">Disabled</label>
<input class="material-icons" name="radio" type="radio" checked="checked" disabled="disabled">
<label for="test">Disabled & Checked</label>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
Checkboxes are used when there are lists of options and the user may select any number of choices, including zero, one, or several. In other words, each checkbox is independent of all other checkboxes in the list, so checking one box doesn't uncheck the others.
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<input class="material-icons" checked="checked" type="checkbox">
<label for="test">Checked</label>
<input class="material-icons" type="checkbox">
<label for="test">Unchecked</label>
<input class="material-icons" disabled="disabled" type="checkbox">
<label for="test">Disabled</label>
<input class="material-icons" checked="checked" disabled="disabled" type="checkbox">
<label for="test">Disabled & checked</label>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<input class="" type="color" placeholder="Email address" id="textInput" />
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<input class="" type="range" placeholder="Email address" id="textInput" />
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<label class="Input-group Input-group--m">
<span class="Input Input--default Input--m">
<input type="file" onchange="parentNode.setAttribute('data-file', this.files[0].name)">
<span class="Button Button--secondary Button--m Input-group__addon">Choose file</span>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<form action="#forms">
<label class="Form-label" for="">Name</label>
<input class="Input Input--default Input--m" type="text" placeholder="Name">
<div class="mt2">
<label class="Form-label" for="">Email</label>
<input class="Input Input--default Input--m" type="text" placeholder="Email">
<div class="mt2">
<input class="material-icons" name="radio" type="radio" checked="checked">
<label for="test">Checked</label>
<input class="material-icons" name="radio" type="radio">
<label for="test">Unchecked</label>
<div class="mt2">
<label class="Form-label" for="textArea">Description</label>
<textarea class="Textarea Textarea--default Textarea--m" name="" placeholder="Start typing..." id="textArea"></textarea>
<div class="mt2">
<input class="material-icons" type="checkbox">
<label for="test">Unchecked</label>
<div class="mt2">
<button class="Button Button--primary Button--m">Submit</button>
<button class="Button Button-link Button--m">Cancel</button>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<form action="#forms">
<div class="mt2">
<label class="Form-label" for="">Name</label>
<input class="Input Input--default Input--m has-danger" type="text" placeholder="Name">
<p class="Input-hint--danger">Name is invalid.</p>
<div class="mt2 is-success">
<label class="Form-label" for="">Email</label>
<input class="Input Input--default Input--m has-success" type="text" placeholder="Email">
<p class="Input-hint--success">Email is available.</p>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
Tags are used to filter content. Use the component class .Tag
, followed by one of 3 size modifiers; Tag--l
, Tag--m
, Tag--s
. The default Tag shape is regular, however Tags can be modified further with the class .Tag--round
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<div class="Tag Tag--s">
<button class=""><i class="material-icons md-18">close</i></button>
<div class="Tag Tag--s Tag--round">
<span>Sports & leisure</span>
<button class=""><i class="material-icons md-18">close</i></button>
<div class="mt2">
<div class="Tag Tag--m">
<button class=""><i class="material-icons md-18">close</i></button>
<div class="Tag Tag--m Tag--round">
<button class=""><i class="material-icons md-18">close</i></button>
<!-- /.mt2 -->
<div class="mt2">
<div class="Tag Tag--l">
<button class=""><i class="material-icons md-24">close</i></button>
<div class="Tag Tag--l Tag--round">
<button class=""><i class="material-icons md-24">close</i></button>
<!-- /.mt2 -->
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
Use a span
element (to ensure labels displays inline) with the class .Label
. This will create a label with default shape. Use modifer classes to set label color, for example Label--success
with create a green label.
In certain cases you might need the labels with a rounded radius. In this case use the modifier Label--round
<h3>Default Label</h3>
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<span class="Label Label--white">White</span>
<span class="Label Label--dark">Dark</span>
<span class="Label Label--default">Default</span>
<span class="Label Label--success">Success</span>
<span class="Label Label--info">Info</span>
<span class="Label Label--brand">Brand</span>
<span class="Label Label--warning">Warning</span>
<span class="Label Label--danger">Danger</span>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<h3 class="mt5">Round Label</h3>
<p class="mt3">In certain cases you might need the labels with a rounded radius. In this case use the modifier <code>Label--round</code>. </p>
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<span class="Label Label--round Label--white">White</span>
<span class="Label Label--round Label--dark">Dark</span>
<span class="Label Label--round Label--default">Default</span>
<span class="Label Label--round Label--success">Success</span>
<span class="Label Label--round Label--info">Info</span>
<span class="Label Label--round Label--brand">Brand</span>
<span class="Label Label--round Label--warning">Warning</span>
<span class="Label Label--round Label--danger">Danger</span>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
For labels with an icon replace .Label
with .Label--icon
. Use Label
modifier classes to set label color, and shape.
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<span class="Label-icon Label-icon--right Label--round Label--white">White<i class="material-icons md-18">check</i></span>
<span class="Label-icon Label-icon--right Label--round Label--dark">Dark<i class="material-icons md-18">check</i></span>
<span class="Label-icon Label-icon--right Label--round Label--default">Default<i class="material-icons md-18">check</i></span>
<span class="Label-icon Label-icon--right Label--round Label--success">Success<i class="material-icons md-18">check</i></span>
<span class="Label-icon Label-icon--right Label--round Label--brand">Brand<i class="material-icons md-18">check</i></span>
<span class="Label-icon Label-icon--right Label--round Label--warning">Warning<i class="material-icons md-18">check</i></span>
<span class="Label-icon Label-icon--right Label--round Label--danger">Danger<i class="material-icons md-18">check</i></span>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
For labels with an icon replace .Label
with .Label--icon
. Use Label
modifier classes to set label color, and shape.
<div class="border-grey mt5">
<div class="pa5">
<span class="Label-icon Label-icon--brand Label--round Label--seedtribe"><i class="Icon Icon--xs Icon--seedtribe"></i>Powered by Seedtribe</span>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<span class="Marker Marker--success mr2"></span>
<span class="Marker Marker--info mr2"></span>
<span class="Marker Marker--warning mr2"></span>
<span class="Marker Marker--danger"></span>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</li>
<li>Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.</li>
<li>Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.</li>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</li>
<li>Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.</li>
<li>Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.</li>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<div class="Loading"></div>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
We have 2 styles of Progress bar, ProgressBar with text (inside) used on SeedTribe. And a smaller progess bar which uses .Tooltip
to display text. We use this smaller one on AIN. You will need to add the modifier classes .ProgressBar--s
and .ProgressBar-success--s
to set the smaller size. By default .ProgressBar
will fill the parent container. When used in cards give .ProgressBar
a container class of .Card-progress
, this will position the progress bar correctly — at the bottom of the image.
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="ma6">
<div class="ProgressBar">
<div class="ProgressBar-success" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="40" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width:40%">
<span class="ProgressBar-text">40% Pledged</span>
<!-- /.ProgressBar -->
<div class="mt6">
<div class="ProgressBar ProgressBar--s">
<div class="ProgressBar-success ProgressBar-success--s Tooltip" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="40" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width:40%">
<span class="Tooltip-text Tooltip-text--success Tooltip-text--top">40% Complete</span>
<!-- /.ProgressBar -->
<!-- /.mt6 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->
Tooltips can be used to label actions which may not be obvious. Icon buttons which don't include text is a good example of where a tooltip is necessary. Use .Tooltip
on the parent div
and create a span
with the class Tooltip-text
The Tooltip system includes several modifier classes which will help change position and color of the tooltip.
<div class="border-grey">
<div class="pa5">
<span class="mr2">
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--secondary Tooltip">
<i class="material-icons md-18">thumb_up</i>
<span class="Tooltip-text Tooltip-text--success Tooltip-text--top">I'm on top</span>
<span class="mr2">
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--secondary Tooltip">
<i class="material-icons md-18">thumb_up</i>
<span class="Tooltip-text Tooltip-text--default Tooltip-text--bottom">I'm on the bottom</span>
<span class="mr2">
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--secondary Tooltip">
<i class="material-icons md-18">thumb_up</i>
<span class="Tooltip-text Tooltip-text--info Tooltip-text--left">I'm on the left</span>
<span class="mr2">
<button class="Icon Icon--s Button Button--secondary Tooltip">
<i class="material-icons md-18">thumb_up</i>
<span class="Tooltip-text Tooltip-text--danger Tooltip-text--right">I'm on the right, and longer</span>
<!--/.pa5 -->
<!--/.border-grey -->